Personal Electric Vehicle Dealer Expands Independence

No matter how young or old you are, independence is something to be prized. When mobility becomes challenged due to age, accidents, illness or other causes, the need for a motorized transport vehicle looks more and more appealing. Using the equipment means that you no longer have to feel housebound because of mobility issues. You can check out the premier options available by visiting the website for EZ Living Concepts, your online personal electric vehicle dealer.

The dealer offers a range of models to suit almost any purpose. The models offer a fresh perspective for those who have been limited by the more traditional equipment such as wheelchairs. Manufacturer WHILL Personal Electric Vehicles provide an innovative variety of designs, combined with cutting edge technology. The operator is assured of the ability to travel almost anywhere with a full complement of style and independence.

There are models which allow you to travel around town, on an outdoor path, or inside the residence where kitchen and bath space might be limited. The models combine and balance the elements of safety, comfort and maneuverability for people who are mobility challenged, yet want to live life at its fullest. Every aspect of the design has been carefully considered.

Some of the features which are combined to make our product the most versatile and accessible equipment of its kind include all-day comfortable seat cushions; easy disassembly to store in the trunk of a car; and the ability to travel over obstacles and thresholds up to two inches high. The EV has app connectivity for monitoring usage and remote operation.

Check out our online brochure to learn more about the features and specifications of the various EV models. Take time to consider how your world would change if you no longer were mobility limited. Your confidence would grow and you would be a more interesting person to talk to, because of your wider exposure.